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Making money flipping baseball cards

making money flipping baseball cards

SportsCardRadio — April 10, Here is a video I did where I explain some flipping techniques and what in your settings you need to change to get the. If you have to pay a slight premium for a card in excellent condition that will grade well, consider doing it. I have looked into cards and have a collection myself. These cards were so massively overproduced that they are literally not worth the paper they are printed on.

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Part of modern card collecting is that many of us look for ways to make a little bit of money out of making money flipping baseball cards. And that’s great. Now let’s get one thing straight, there’s no easy way to profit off of cards. What works for one person isn’t going to work for long if 50 others do the exact same thing. Flipping cards on COMC is one of .

2. Nostalgia: Sports card lovers from the ’80s now have kids.

making money flipping baseball cards
Share sports cards and collectibles, pulls, news, funny stories, questions, want lists, trades, cards for sale, and case and box breaks. Similarly do not post links to cards for sale elsewhere, offer them here as their own post in the style outlined in the pinned post. All for sale posts must include a starting price within the bounds of reality, no fishing expeditions. This is a drama free zone, there’s no reason for negativity around the hobby you enjoy. Be respectful of other collectors, the mod, and welcoming to new collectors or people coming back to the hobby. Suggestions offered in a positive way are welcome, criticism and complaining is not. If there’s something you don’t like about the sub there are other subs out there.

Getting Started: Basic Advice

Part of modern card collecting is that many of us look for ways to make a little bit of money out of it. And that’s great. Now let’s get one thing straight, there’s no easy way to profit off of cards. What works for one person isn’t going to mqking for long if 50 others do the exact same thing. Flipping cards on COMC is one of. Monej no get-rich-quick method, but making money flipping baseball cards not difficult or tricky to do. That is, unless you consider clicking a computer mouse to be a complex task.

The big plus that COMC has over other online sellers is that all cards are held by the company. Usually, maklng thought of as a way to simplify shipping and the costs associated with it as you’re buying from one place. Basically, if you see a deal or something you speculate is on the rise, you can buy it whether you want it for your collection or not. Flipping cards means that you’re buying them to turn around and sell.

If you flip something successfully, you come out ahead. Depending on the amount of your initial investment and the time it takes you to make the sale, even a makong profit can be considered successful. In order to buy cards to flip on COMC, make sure that you’re logged in when you go to buy. You also need a balance in your account. When you see a card you feel is worth trying to flip, you proceed to click the «Buy Now» button. This puts the card into your account and offers a few options.

You can have the card shipped to you. It can also be set aside for a later shipment. Finally, there’s the option to relist the item. This is where you need to look if you’re going to flip it the card. Simply put in the price you want for the card hopefully more than you paid and that’s it. Now you just sit back and wait to see if it sells. It’s not just single cards that can be flipped. There are always sellers looking to move larger inventories through port sales.

If makkng entire package looks good, you can strike a deal and buy in bulk. Similar to a single-card sale, those move into your account and you can set new prices if you wish. Just like anything else, purchasing in bulk can lead to better deals. But it does take a little extra savvy to go through and break down how much you might be able to make from a portfolio. Buying and reselling on COMC is easy. That’s the most obvious perk. It doesn’t take a lot of thought. It doesn’t take a lot of effort.

But note, it’s the actual act of flipping that’s easy. Flipping on COMC can be a hobby for. It can be enjoyable to browse through cards, find something you think can be turned into a profit, buy it and basebalo it. Even if this doesn’t amount to a paycheck in your account balance, it can be an affordable way to have a little fun.

Flippig big perk for flippers is that, in many ways, there are fewer costs involved. You’ve got the cost of the card and little. When cards are originally sent in to COMC, sellers have to pay listing fees up. While they’re reasonable when you stop to consider all the steps and labored involved, plus what you get, these fees have to be paid up front before a card is live on the site let alone sold.

Buying and relisting a card doesn’t involve any of these fees. Just like anything in the hobby when it comes to making money, there are no sure things. You can’t just hop onto COMC, buy something and expect to turn a profit. You need a strategy. You need to try things out and see what works and what doesn’t. The first is to target sales. Some sellers offer some hefty discounts in order to make a quick sale. If you’re patient, you can turn that into some easy profits if it’s a card that has an audience.

Another place to monej is prospects who are likely to move up. Many of these might already be hot, but if you can predict call-ups a month or so in advance, there is still some room to flippihg in.

Keep your expectations in place. Even still, flippihg some, it might be too time consuming given the returns. Another consideration is the storage fees. Even if you’re not making a lot flipping on COMC, it actually can be fun. It lets you dig into cards a little more, even if you’re not handling. Stay up to date on all the latest sports card and memorabilia news, articles, and products by subscribing to our newsletter below:.

This article applies to buying the cards already on the site to flip and avoid the listing fee. I have cards to sell on COMC that are not part of my collection. I have cards from All major sports. Am I wasting my time trying to basfball base hockey cards? Are more recent cards the ones that really sell well? Thanks for your help. I would say just to list what you are looking to get rid of and see what happens.

Most things will eventually sell if priced correctly. Name required. Mail will not be published required. Share SP SSP !! Stay up to date on all the latest sports card and memorabilia news, articles, and products by subscribing to our newsletter below: Email address: Privacy guaranteed.

Your information will not be shared or sold under any circumstances. His collecting origins began with winter bike rides to the corner store, tossing a couple of quarters onto the counter and peddling home with a couple packs of O-Pee-Chee hockey in his pocket.

Today, he continues to build sets, go after inserts with cool technologies, chase Montreal Expos and finish off his John Jaha master collection. Marc I would say just to list what you are looking to get rid of and see what happens. You list the cards on COMC and then try to sell.

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Similar to a single-card sale, those move into your account and you can set new prices if you wish. Well, everyone has junk around their house or apartment that could be sold to get things rolling. This is going to bring making money flipping baseball cards money and attention to the space. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Stuff like Bowman, Bowman draft and Bowman chrome have good to great return on investment, depending on the prospects in the set. PSA is the only flipoing to go for vintage cards. No hatespeech, including in your username. I should’ve mentioned that, thank you for taking. If you choose to ship a card to yourself, you will be charged. These are the ones that will gaseball growth over time. I have looked into cards and have fli;ping collection. As a collector when I was a kid, and as a non-sportscard flipper now, the mqking thing not covered is buying cards. Is the safest way to ship. Post: 3. And newer cards? Send me an email, Tweet your flips with the cardboardhustle, and leave a comment below!
